
Journal of Addiction Research(JAR)

ISSN: 2573-9514 | DOI: 10.33140/JAR

Impact Factor: 1.62*

Editorial Board

Journal DOI: 10.33140/JAR

Sahar Eshrati , PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Addiction Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Alina Josephie
Editorial Manager

Makriyannis Alexandros
Director, Director of the Center for Drug Discovery Northeastern University, USA

Iwona Grzegorzewska
Associate Professor, Department of Clinical Psychology and Developmental Psychopathology University of Zielona Góra , Poland

Takato Hiranita
Division of Neurotoxicology National Center for Toxicological Research U.S. Food & Drug Administration, USA

Peter R Giancola
Professor, Department of Psychiatry Independent Research Contractor , USA

Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology Georgia Southern University , USA

Daniele Zullino
Department of Psychiatry Switzerland

Juan Jose Ortega Albas
Specialist in Clinical Neurophysiology Head of Sleep Unit University of Castellon, Spain

Tang Wai Kwong
Department of Psychiatry The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Martin A Katzman
Department of Psychology Lakehead University, Canada

Roberto Maniglio
Department of Pedagogic, Psychological and Didactic Science Director of Psychologist University of Basilicata, Italy

Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry HYPERION UNIVERSITY OF BUCHAREST , Romania

Alexander A Kozlov
V.P. Serbsky Federal Medical Research Centre of Psychiatry and Addiction Problems of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Russia

Sam Vaknin
Professor, Faculty of Psychology University of Southern Federal, Russia

Zoran Zoricic
HEAD, Department for Alcoholism and Other Addictions, Department of Psychiatry University Hospital Centre Sestre milosrdnice, Croatia

Mercedes Lovrecic
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Marwa El-Said Ahmed El-Shamarka
Head of Narcotics, Ergogenic Aids & Poisons Department at National Research Center Egypt

Jamshid Ahmadi
Professor, Department of Psychiatry Shiraz University of Medical Sciences , Iran